Prevenir y curar el Alzheimer
Un estudio publicado en el Journal of Biological Chemistry informó que los antioxidantes presentes en el té verde y en el vino tiento podrían ayudar a prevenir y tratar el mal de Alzheimer. Los antioxidantes son sustancias existentes en ciertos alimentos que protegen al cuerpo de los radicales libres, causantes del proceso de envejecimiento y algunas enfermedades. Entre las fuentes naturales de antioxidantes, el té verde y el vino tinto son ricos en antioxidantes.
Prevent and cure Alzheimer’s
A study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry informed that antioxidants in green tea and red wine may help to prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease. Antioxidants are substances that protect the body from the effects of free radicals that cause aging and some diseases. Green tea and red wine are natural sources and are rich in antioxidants.
Gracias a Carlos por compartir este gran mensaje:
Un antropólogo propuso un juego a los niños de una tribu africana. Puso una canasta llena de frutas cerca de un árbol y les dijo que el que llegara primero ganaría todas las frutas. Cuando dio la señal para que corrieran, todos los niños se tomaron de las manos y corrieron juntos. Después se sentaron juntos a disfrutar del premio. Cuando les preguntó por qué habían corrido así, si sólo uno podía ganar, le respondieron: UBUNTU. “¿Cómo uno de nosotros podría estar feliz si todos los demás están tristes?”
Ubuntu en la cultura Xhosa significa “Yo soy porque nosotros somos”. Si lo queremos traducir, podríamos decir “Humanidad hacia otros”. “Una persona se hace humana a través de las otras personas”. Una persona con Ubuntu, explica el sacerdote misionero franciscano Jorge Bender, es aquella que se alegra cuando otro es bueno en algo, porque todos se benefician con esto, todos son más. Muchas tribus piensan que cada persona decrece cuando otras personas son humilladas o menospreciadas, cuando otros son torturados u oprimidos.
Ojalá que nos contagiemos un poco de este concepto de la ética africana y de este modo de pensar para superar el individualismo en que vivimos.
Thank you Carlos for sharing this great message:
An anthropologist proposed a game to children of an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit close to a tree and told them that the one getting there first would win all the fruit. When he gave the signal for them to run, all the children held hands and run together. After that they sat together to enjoy the prize. When he asked why they had run like that if just one could win, they replied: UBUNTU. “How could one of us be happy if everyone else is sad?”
Ubuntu in the Xhosa culture means “I am because all of us are”. If we would want to translate it, we could say “Humanity towards others”. “A person becomes human through other people”. A person with Ubuntu, explains missionary priest Jorge Bender, is one that is glad when someone else is good in something, because everyone benefits with this, everyone is more. Many tribes think that each person decreases when other people are humiliated or underestimated, when others are tortured or oppressed.
Let’s hope we are infected a little bit with this African ethical concept and with this way of thinking to overcome the individualism we live in.
Agradecemos también a Guillermo por compartir un video que ilustra el concepto de “pensar Win-Win”, un hábito más de la gente altamente eficaz.
We also thank Guillermo for sharing a video illustrating the concept of “think Win-Win”, one more habit of highly effective people.
Si bastasen dos buenas canciones...
If a couple of songs were enough...
Video in spanish. Lyrics in English below.
if it was enough, if it was enough, we wouldn't need much to learn to love more
if a true song was enough to convince other people we could sing it louder since they're many people
if that was the case, if that was the case, we wouldn't have to fight to be heard more
if a good song was enough to make people help each other, we could find it in our hearts without going too far
if it was enough, if it was enough there wouldn't be any need to beg
dedicated to all those who are going off the rails
dedicated to all those who haven't had anything yet and who have always been left out
dedicated to all those who are waiting dedicated to all those who remain dreamers
and for that are getting lonelier and lonelier
if a great song was enough to talk about peace
we could call it by name adding a voice to it
and another one and another one until it turns into one color more vivid than ever
dedicated to all those who are going off the rails
dedicated to all those who have tried to invent a song to change things
“Si no tenemos paz, es porque hemos olvidado que nos pertenecemos el uno al otro”
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
Mother Teresa
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