Expandiendo el Louvre
El museo Louvre, conocido por su gran colección de importantes obras maestras como la Gioconda de Leonardo da Vinci, ha abierto su primera sucursal fuera de París. Se decidió ubicar la nueva sucursal en la antigua ciudad minera de Lens. El objetivo es ayudar a atraer turistas a esta zona que es una de las más pobres del país, ubicada cerca a la frontera con Bélgica. El museo planea recibir de esta manera a miles de visitantes de Bélgica, Holanda, Alemania e Inglaterra.
Expanding the Louvre
The Louvre, one of the world’s best known museums due to its great collection of masterpieces like Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, has opened its new gallery in Lens, a former mining town in northern France. The objective is to help attract tourists to this zone, one of the poorest of the country but with a great location, close to the Belgian border. The museum plans to receive in this way thousands of visitors from Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Britain.
Santa Claus ayuda
Vestido de rojo, un “Santa Claus Secreto” ha estado ayudando a las víctimas del huracán Sandy en Nueva York y Nueva Jersey. Este hombre, que ha pedido permanecer anónimo, planea regalar US$ 100,000 en billetes de US$ 100 para ayudar a cuantas personas sea posible dentro del período de las fiestas navideñas. También espera inspirar a otras personas a seguir su ejemplo.
Santa’s help
All dressed in red, a “Secret Santa”, has been helping victims of hurricaine Sandy in New York and New Jersey. This man, who has asked to remain unknown, plans to give away $100,000 in $100 bills to help as many people as possible over the Christmas period. He hopes as well to inspire other people to follow his example.
Gracias a Maritza por compartir esta interesante reflexión sobre conductas y actitudes. Veamos el video en español.
Thank you Maritza for sharing this interesting reflection about behaviors and attitudes. The video is in Spanish. Here is the English translation:
Behaviors and Attitudes
Dr. Juan Hitzig studied the characteristics of 50 healthy people through several years. He concluded that the common denominator were their behaviors and attitudes, more than their physical attributes.
“Each thought generates an emotion and each emotion moves a hormonal circuit that will impact the cells within an organism.”
The “S” behaviors promote secretion of Serotonin:
Serenity, Silence, Sapience, Savor, Sex, Sleeping, Smile
…meanwhile the “R” behaviors facilitate the secretion of Cortisol, a corrosive hormone for the cells, which accelerates aging:
Resentment, Rage, Reproach, Repression, Resistance
“S” behaviors generate “A” attitudes:
Ardor, Affection, Appreciation, Amity, Approachability
“R” behaviors generate “D” attitudes:
Depression, Discourage, Despair, Desolation
Learning about this emotional alphabet makes it possible to live longer and better because having “bad blood” (too much cortisol and too little serotonin) damages health, allows disease and accelerates aging.
The good mood, on the other hand, is key to a healthy longevity.
Dr. Juan Hitzig has published the book “Cincuenta y Tantos”. After studying for two decades the characteristics of healthy people between 90 and 95 years old that physically and mentally behave like 30 or 40 year old people, he concluded that:
“They are individuals that adapt to adversity with acceptance but never with resignation. They know how to handle stress and they have interpreted uncertainty more as a challenge than an adversity. In general they don’t cling to material goods, accepting each moment of reality as it is and with gratitude for what they have had.”
Have an excellent life full of Serotonin!
Esta foto muestra cuando se encienden las luces del árbol de Navidad en el Rockefeller Center, en Nueva York. Esta tradición ha tenido lugar desde hace 80 años, celebrando el inicio de la temporada de fiestas.
This picture shows the lighting of the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center, New York. This tradition has been taking place for over 80 years, marking the beginning of the holiday season.
Siguiendo el espíritu navideño, esta canción es sobre el personaje que inspiró al Santa Secreto en su ayuda a las víctimas del huracán Sandy. No sólo es un personaje que surgió para animar a los niños para que se porten bien, sino que es una inspiración de lo que significa dar y compartir. El regalo más valioso que podemos dar va más allá de lo material y tiene que ver más con amor y felicidad. Escuchemos una versión de la canción “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”. La canción original fue escrita en 1933 por John Frederick Coots y Haven Gillespie.
Following the spirit of the holidays, this song is about the character that inspired the Secret Santa in helping the victims of hurricane Sandy. Not only he is a character that emerged to encourage children to behave, but is an inspiration on giving and sharing. The most valuable gift that we can give goes beyond material things and has to do more with love and happiness. Let’s listen to a version of the song “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”. The original song was written in 1933 by John Frederick Coots and Haven Gillespie.
“No se trata de cuánto damos sino de cuánto amor ponemos al dar”.
“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving”.
Mother Theresa of Calcutta
2 comentarios:
que mejor BALANCE que el querer balancear el turismo en Francia creando una sucursal del tan famoso Museo Louvre en la ciudad de Lens para asi poder atraer a turistas de otros paices y asi permitir a turistas que no pueden viajar a Paris, poder visitar esta sucursal del museo. Esta es una noticia tan adecuada para este blog de Balance. Felicitamos a Claudia por su trabajo de investigacion.
Let's go for the serotonin and try to have a meaningful life...I agree!!! I will remember the "R"s more than the "S" because if I do not fall into the "R"s means that I will be practicing the "S"s. Right? Anyways, very important to remember all this.
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