Estaciones / Seasons / May 31, 2013


Imprimiendo comida

La NASA anuncio un proyecto que intentará diseñar, construir y probar una impresora tridimensional que produce comida y que pueda funcionar en el espacio. Del mismo modo en que la impresora 3-D crea actualmente productos plásticos, estas impresoras tomarían los nutrientes básicos en polvo y, al depositarlos en capas, obtendrían productos comestibles. Este sistema proveerá alimentos con nutrición y sabores personalizados, con cero desperdicio, y podría ayudar a solucionar el problema de escasez de alimentos en el mundo.

Printing food

NASA announced a project that will intend to design, build and test a three dimensional food printer that can work in space. The 3-D printer creates solid objects by depositing droplets of material one layer at a time. This system will provide food with personalized nutrition, flavor and taste, with zero waste, and could help to solve the problem of food scarcity in the world.


Gracias a Edda por compartir un video con este tema.
Thank you Edda for sharing a video with this theme.


Nos inspiran las Cuatro Estaciones de Vivaldi. En el video anterior, la Primavera. En este video, el Invierno.

We are inspired by Vivaldi's Four Seasons. In the previous video, the spring. in this video, the winter.


"En las profundidades del invierno finalmente aprendí que en mi interior habitaba un verano invencible."

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” 

Albert Camus

Super / May 18, 2013



Científicos británicos han desarrollado un nuevo tipo de trigo que podría incrementar la producción. Ellos han combinado un ancestro del trigo con una variedad más moderna para elaborar una nueva cepa. En las pruebas iniciales, se ha producido una cosecha mejor, más grande y fuerte que las actuales variedades de trigo. La nueva variedad de trigo no está genéticamente modificada.


British scientists have developed a new type of wheat which could increase production . They combined an ancient ancestor of wheat with a modern variety to produce a new strain. In early trials, the resulting crop seem bigger and stronger than the current wheat varieties. The new wheat variety is not genetically modified.


Gracias a Carlos por compartir este super video.

Thank you Carlos for sharing this super video.


Nos inspira un super tema, compuesto por John Williams para la película Superman.

We are inspired by a super song, composed by John Williams for the film Superman.


"El heroísmo siente y no razona."

"Heroism feels and never reasons, and therefore is always right."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Madres / Mothers / May 10, 2013


Mantuvieron la esperanza

Esta semana, después de haber estado desaparecidas por diez años, fueron rescatadas tres jóvenes que estuvieron secuestradas en Cleveland, EEUU. Sus familias,  especialmente sus madres, mantuvieron la esperanza y no dejaron de buscar y esperar por ellas. Al mismo tiempo estas jovenes no se rindieron y no dejaron de luchar hasta una de ellas logro escapar con la ayuda de un vecino.

They kept hope

This week, after being missing for ten years, three young women that were kidnapped in Cleveland, USA were rescued. Their families, especially their mothers, kept hope and never stopped searching for them. At the same time the young women never gave up and never stopped fighting until one of them managed to escape with the help from a neighbor.


Gracias a nuestro amigo anónimo por compartir este poema dedicado a las mamás.

Thanks to our  friend for sharing this poem dedicated to all the mothers.

Portrait of a woman

There is a woman that has something of God because of the immensity of her love, and much of Angel because of her constant caring.
A woman who being young, has the reflection of an old person, and while aging, works with the vigor of youth
A woman, if ignorant, discovers the secrets of life more accurately than a wise man, and if educated, suits the simplicity of children.
A woman who being poor, is satisfied with those she loves, and being rich, would gladly give her treasures not to suffer the wound of ingratitude.
A woman who being vigorous, shakes with a crying child, and being weak, sometimes is coated with the bravery of a lion.
A woman who is not praised as she should be while living, because beside her all pains are forgotten, but after death would give everything we have to see her again for a moment, to receive a single hug from her, to hear a single accent from her lips.
From that woman do not ask me her name, unless you want me to soak in tears ... I saw that woman on the way. She's my mother!
When your children grow up read this page to them, and they will cover your forehead with kisses. Tell them that a humble traveler left here, for you and for them, a portrait of his mother.

Author: Ramon Angel Jara


Nos inspira el amor de las madres por sus hijos. Esta es una canción que un hijo dedicó a su madre. Nos referimos a Paul McCartney y la canción "Let It be".

We are inspired by a mother's love. This is a song dedicated by a son to his mother. We are talking about Paul McCartney and the song "Let It be".


"Todo lo que soy, o espero ser, se lo debo a la angelical solicitud de mi madre."

"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."

Abraham  Lincoln

Personas valiosas / People of value / May 2, 2013


Impulso solar

Un avión impulsado por energía solar viajara a través de los Estados Unidos, de costa a costa, sin usar una sola gota de combustible. El avión ha sido fabricado en Suiza y es conocido por el nombre de Impulso Solar. El viaje ha sido planeado en cinco etapas, la primera se completará esta semana desde San Francisco, California, hasta Phoenix, Arizona. Cada vuelo tomara de 20 a 25 horas, ya que el avión viaja a 60 kilómetros por hora. La intención es demostrar el potencial que esta tecnología limpia podría tener en el futuro.

Solar Impulse

A solar-power airplane will fly across the United States, from coast to coast, without using a single drop of fuel. The plane is Swiss-made and it is called Solar Impulse. The journey is planned in five legs, the first one will be completed this week from San Francisco, California to Phoenix, Arizona. Each flight will take from 20 to 25 hours, as the plane travels at 60 kilometers per hour. The aim is to show the potential that this clean technology could have in the future.


Gracias a Carlos por compartir este video en español.

Thank you Carlos for sharing the video above. Here is the story in English:

One day Paul met with her friend Laura for coffee and began to tell her about his troubles: work, money, his relationship with his partner, his vocation ... Everything seemed to be wrong in his life.
So Laura took from his bag a 500 euro bill and said, "You want this?". Paul, confused, replied: "Of course, who would not want 500 euro?". At the time she took the bill, crumpled it in a little ball, showed it to Paul and asked again: "Do you still want it?". "Yes, they are still 500 euro. If you want to give it to me, of course I want it" replied Paul. Laura unfolded the bill, threw it to the ground and rubbed her foot over it. With the bill all dirty and marked up, she said, "Do you still want it?".
"Look, I do not understand where you're going, but until you break it, the bill retains its value," said Paul. Then, Laura concluded: "Although something does not go as you want, though life steps on or wrinkles you, you're still as valuable as ever been. What you should ask is how valuable you are rather than how beaten you're at a particular time. " Laura put the crumpled bill on the table and with a smile said: "Take, keep it  to be mindful of this when you feel bad, but you owe me a bill for 500 euro to use it with the next friend in need".
Paul looked at the bill, smiled, put it in his pocket and then he felt his energy renewed.


Nos inspira la canción "You are beautiful". Cada uno es hermoso y valioso tal como es.

We are inspired by the song "You are beautiful". Everyone is beautiful and valuable just the way they are.


"No trates de convertirte en un hombre de éxito. Conviértete en un hombre que vale."

"Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value."

Albert Einstein